In August 2010, two Edupunk communication courses—Taller de Procesamiento de Datos at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), led by Alejandro Piscitelli, and Seminario de Integración y Producción at the National University of Rosario (UNR), led by Marcelo de la Torre—came together for the first Intercátedras Edupunk meeting. I participated as a student and later returned as a professor, captivated by the philosophy, the power of the work, and the unique way of working.
The Manifesto:
- Classes are conversations.
- The relationship is dynamic, and dynamics are relational.
- Be hypertextual and multilinear, heterogeneous and unorthodox.
- Edupunk is not what happens in the classroom—it is the world inside the classroom.
- Be like the traveler… make your own path by walking.
- Be a mediator, not a measurer of knowledge.
- Break your head to create roles in your class; once you create them, break theirs.
- Your roles should be emergent, polyvalent, and invisible.
- Embrace change—it’s just a matter of attitude.
- Feel part of a collective effort.
- Don’t be a TV; truly engage those around you.
- Expand your message—break down the four walls surrounding you.
- Mix, copy, appropriate, explore, play, transform, create, go off-track.
- To hell with the real/virtual opposition.
- Without collaboration, education is fiction.
- Be an active agent in your environment—research through action.
- Do it yourself… but also, and essentially, do it with others.
- Be Edupunk—destroy these rules, create your own, and then destroy those too.