Applied Edupunk (the book)

In 2011, I was invited to participate as a co-author of a book reflecting the Argentine experiences of Edupunk. I authored the chapter “Jornadas intercátedras: el derrape de la educación”. Based on the implementation of this teaching philosophy—one that also embraces learning and the conception of knowledge—we launched Edupunk Aplicado. Aprender para emprender, available for free reading.

In the words of Fundación Telefónica:

Edupunk Aplicado is the second volume of a trilogy published by Fundación Telefónica, aimed at exploring the various facets of a controversial—yet powerfully heuristic—concept: Edupunk. It reflects how the initial experience of using Facebook in an anti- or post-pedagogical way evolved into countless variations and attempts to reshape learning. Edupunk Aplicado examines these transformations and reveals that, where mere declarations of change and transformation prove sterile, the design of persuasive mechanisms—both inside and outside the classroom—ultimately succeeds in altering behaviors and, in parallel, amplifying learning.

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